
Live. Breathe. Information Security.

About Cody

Cody Kretsinger is a computer security consultant and reformed black hat hacker.    
After serving his debt to society for involvement in the Sony Pictures breach with LulzSec, Cody tuned his skills and talents to help protect businesses and organizations from other hackers.   


Cody Kretsinger


United States

Cody's cause

Cody has over a decade of experience working with Red, Blue, and Purple cyber security teams, including countless Incident Response and Red Team engagements. 

Kretsinger currently provides security research, expert advice, and advisory services to the Managed Service and Security Provider community at Galactic Advisors. Cody helps MSPs and MSSPs strengthen their own security, develop educational security content, and Research & Development for automated Penetration Testing tools, focused on adversarial tactics.

Cody previously worked as the Security Manager with a leading IT and cybersecurity company in Central Illinois providing Red and Blue Team services. 

An avid cybersecurity professional, Cody has a passion for guiding information security, including speaking on numerous Cybersecurity topics and his time in LulzSec.  

Cody's experience includes incident response, physical security, malware research, SIEM management, exploit development, and social engineering. Kretsinger also Co-chairs BSides Peoria, several private threat intelligence groups, and routinely provides talks to at-risk youth on cybercrime.

General email

info at codykretsinger dot com

Media Requests

media at codykretsinger dot com

Cody's current talks

Want Cody to talk at your event? Cody has these topics ready to go.

Your IR is bad and you should feel bad

Don't figure out your organization’s Incident Response measures are bad during an event. Cody talks about the pitfalls of unprepared orgs, and how to plan for a successful IR.

Length: 30/60 min

Building an Effective soc

The hill to climb to spin up a Security group is steep. Cody outlines the top ten things to identify and avoid when setting up a new SOC

Length: 30/60 min

This little light of mine... 

ILCs shouldn’t be connected to the internet, right? Cody talks about of some of the worlds most prestigious landmarks, and one of the hacks no one is thinking about.

Length: 30/60 min

Cybersecurity from a hackers Perspective

An FBI and Infraguard favorite. Cody outlines his history, the TTPs LulzSec used, and reasons they chose their targets. 

Length: 60 min

Inside & Out

There are a lot of misconceptions about landing in federal prison and what happens when you get out. Cody goes through his stent in Federal Prison and its culture as well as what Felons are subjected to once they’re released.

Length: 30 min

hacking businesses for fun

The most common ways hackers are kicking in the front door, and the steps you can take to protect yourself.

Length: 60 min